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Documentation Workflow

Learn how to create comprehensive documentation for your LabVIEW code using Jake. This guide walks you through the process of documenting VIs, APIs, and architectures effectively.

Initial Documentation Assessment

Start by checking your existing documentation:

+ @bd Review current documentation

Jake will analyze your existing documentation and identify areas needing improvement.

VI Documentation

Document individual VIs systematically:

  1. Generate basic documentation:

    + @bd Create initial VI documentation

  2. Document the interface:

    + @fp Document controls and indicators

  3. Add implementation details:

    + @bd Document key implementation details

API Documentation

For documenting APIs:

  1. Get high-level understanding:

    ? @project Explain the API structure

  2. Document interfaces:

    + @project Generate API interface documentation

  3. Create usage examples:

    + @bd Create example usage documentation

Architecture Documentation

Document system architecture:

  1. Analyze the design:

    $ @project Review the system architecture

  2. Generate architecture documentation:

    + @project Document the system architecture

  3. Create visual representations:

    $ @project Create architecture diagrams

Final Review

Before completing documentation:

  1. Verify completeness:

    ! @bd Review documentation coverage

  2. Check clarity:

    ? @bd Verify documentation clarity

Remember to use Jake's comment command (+) regularly as you develop, making documentation a natural part of your development process.